Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Though autumn winds blow it is still green..

My Bramble hedgehog kids arrived from Japan today.  They're so sweet & it was nice to put the whole Keikyoku family together finally.

In my family Kuri (originally Mr Mortimer Bramble) & Kiri (originally Mrs Eleanor Bramble) are twin brother & sister, & the new arrivals are Kiri's children (unfortunately papa has passed away).

The children (also twins, it must run in the Keikyoku family) are named Kaki (originally Abigail Bramble) after the Japanese name for persimmon, & Kari (originally Maxwell Bramble) after the Japanese name for wild geese.  Just yesterday a flock of wild geese flew over my neighbourhood & it was a lovely (if noisy) sight.

Uncle Kuri, Kari, Kaki & Mother Kiri Keikyoku.
I'm looking forward to getting to know them more & seeing how they fit in to Hawthorn Bay.

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